Monday, 27 July 2015

Pain free Physiotherapy with Homeopathy for Joint pains

Pain free Physiotherapy with Homeopathy for Joint pains

Pain is one of the most disabling parts affecting every aspect in our daily life physical, social and mental wellbeing.

According to an international suvey report one in every five patients had chronic pain like that caused by arthritis, and more than half of them  did not knew about the causative factor. And more than 80% were taking over the counter drugs from the pharmacies.

Crackle sounds, achy joints, sudden twinge in the joint, sharp shooting pain from shoulder to hand and hip to the side or back of the thigh. Increasingly people have started believing that they could no longer stop the inevitable, the prevalence of joint pains. 

What’s wrong is our understanding on the awareness of the conditions that lead to Joint Pains and the wealth of options we have to counter them.

"The problem is, we're used to the body healing itself naturally, so we always expect that by taking rest or resorting to home remedies or pain relievers, but never consult a specialist to find the root cause for the problem. There are many techniques for pain management out there, but it starts with asking the question - what's wrong?"

"The average person may not be able tell if it's the joint, a torn tendon, or pain in the area of the joint. A physician needs to evaluate you to make sure you do in fact have joint pain and why."

Getting the Right Diagnosis:

Arthritis is a catch-all term that simply means inflammation of the joints - but it's not a simple diagnosis. "There are 100 different forms of arthritis, that’s why getting the correct diagnosis is important. You need the right treatment."

For example, gout is a form of arthritis that can lead to osteoarthritis; Psoriasis is a type of skin condition which can lead to arthritis in more than 30% of its cases, Septic arthritis caused by infection by the blood stream from  the upper respiratory tract or urinary tract  Joint pain can also result from cancer that has spread to joints. Unless and until the causative factor is determined, we cannot get the right treatment or pain relief.

Common pain-related conditions:

Osteoarthritis:   This is often called degenerative joint disease and is the most common type of arthritis after 50 years age group .As we get older, the rubbery cartilage that serves as a shock absorber to our joints becomes stiff, loses its elasticity, and becomes more susceptible to damage. As the cartilage wears away, tendons and ligaments stretch, causing pain. It can occur in almost any joint in the body - most commonly in the fingers, hips, knees, and spine. Symptoms include joint aching and soreness, pain, and bony knots in the finger joints.

Rheumatoid Arthritis:  This form of arthritis is very different from degenerative joint disease. The inflammation occurs in joints on both sides of the body - symmetry that helps distinguish it from other types of arthritis. However, many of the symptoms sound familiar - joint pain and swelling, joint stiffness, and fatigue
"Rheumatoid arthritis is not just a benign joint disease.  It can lead to early death. With rheumatoid arthritis, there is quite good evidence that early diagnosis and aggressive treatment can help to maintain function, prevent disability, and improve survival."

Fibromyalgia:  This chronic disorder creates pain and tenderness at numerous points throughout the body, resulting in serious sleep problems and fatigue. The cause of fibromyalgia is poorly understood, but is not related to any muscle, nerve, or joint injury. One theory is that the condition may be related to over sensitive nerve cells in the spinal cord and brain. Or it may be due to an imbalance in brain chemicals that control mood, lowers a person's tolerance for pain, possibly triggering a cycle of restless sleep, fatigue, inactivity, sensitivity, and pain.

Though there is no cure for fibromyalgia, treatment is focused on managing pain, fatigue, depression, and other symptoms in an attempt to break the cycle of sensitivity, pain, and decreased physical activity.

Joint Pain Not Inevitable With Age

Creaking knees, hips, and ankles aren't necessarily normal aches and pains that come with age. Your pain might be arthritis. Luckily, medicine has a lot to offer from exercise and alternative supplements to medications and joint replacement.

Getting the Right Diagnosis continued...

Depression Sadness is not the only hallmark of depression. There also may be physical symptoms like unexplained aches and pains, studies show. The most commonly cited symptoms are frequent headaches, back pain, joint pain, and abdominal pain - all of which may mask the depression. These physical symptoms may be related to or aggravated by the depression and can linger longer than the emotional symptoms.

Some doctors, like Hoffman, believe that these physical symptoms are really signs of fibromyalgia. "The two conditions do seem to commonly coexist," he tells WebMD. "Also, depression may bring a heightened awareness of pain. Treating the depression is important."

Ask your family doctor for a referral to a specialist who deals with the type of pain you are experiencing, advises Charles Weiss, MD, chairman emeritus of the department of orthopedics and rehabilitation at Mt. Sinai Medical Center in Miami Beach, Fla.

Lifestyle Changes

While there is no cure for joint pain, you can find relief, the experts say. Treatments range from lifestyle changes to medications to surgery -- and should usually be tried in that order.

Lose weight: If you are overweight, the first step is to shed those excess pounds. Whetstone Mescher points to a recent study showing that losing as little as 11 pounds can cut the risk of osteoarthritis of the knee by 50%.

Start exercising: The next step may be to work with a physical therapist to develop an exercise program that's right for you. All too often, pain victims get caught in a vicious cycle: Their aching joints prevent them from exercising, which causes their joints to weaken further and their condition to deteriorate, Whetstone Mescher explains.

"A physical therapist is key, especially if you don't know where to start," she says. "They can tell you which exercises are best -- usually those that improve strength, endurance, and range of motion -- and recommend specific joint exercises designed specifically for pain relief."
Getting 40 minutes of exercise at a time -- three or four days a week -- is generally advised. Some suggestions:
  • If you have access to a pool, water workouts are often recommended. The buoyancy of water supports the weight of the body, taking the stress off stiff and achy joints and making it much easier to exercise.
  • Biking, walking, and other low-impact exercises that don't put pounding pressure on the joints are also helpful. But high-impact exercises such as jogging should usually be avoided, and never subscribe to the "No pain, no gain" mantra,
  • Wear correct footwear. "wearing soft cushiony shoes that provide an extra layer of protective padding
  • Smoking. It's been shown that smoking has an effect on both bone health and response to treatment.          

Homeopathy in Combination with Physiotherapy offers effective treatment for joint pains.

Homeopathy is evidence based medicine. Homeopathic remedies have been clinically proven to the reduce the inflammation .homeopathy can treat joint pains effectively without any adverse effects unlike conventional medicines which causes gastritis. Homeopathy helps to stop or slow down his inflammation in the joints.

It can prevent or reduce the symptoms, joint destruction and deformity and prevent or lessen the disability.

In a double blind controlled study conducted in Britain, 82 % of those receiving a homeopathic remedy noticed improvement in rheumatoid arthritis versus 21 percent of the control group on placebo.

Most commonly used medicines for joint pain are arnica/bryonia/colocynth/colchicum/
Colocynth / hypericum / guiacum / rhus tox / ruta.

Medicines are indicative and should always be taken under medical supervision only.

Physical Therapy
You can work with a physical therapist to strengthen the muscles around the joint, stabilize the joint, and improve your range of motion. The therapist will use techniques such as ultrasound, heat or cold therapy, electrical nerve stimulation, and manipulation.

If you are overweight, losing weight can relieve some of the pressure on your painful joints. Exercise is one effective way to lose weight (along with diet), but be careful to stick with low-impact exercises that won't further irritate the joint. Swimming and bicycling are among the best exercises because both allow you to exercise your joints without putting impact on them. Because water is buoyant, swimming also relieves some of the pressure on your joints.

Home Care

You can relieve short-term Joint Pain with a few simple techniques at home. One method is known by the acronym, PRICE:
  • Protect the joint with a brace or wrap.
  • Rest the joint, avoiding any activities that cause you pain.
  • Ice the joint for about 15 minutes, several times each day.
  • Compress the joint using an elastic wrap.
  • Elevate the joint above the level of your heart.
Applying ice to your painful joints can relieve the pain and inflammation. For muscle spasms around joints, try using a heating pad or wrap several times a day. Your doctor may recommend that you tape or splint the joint to minimize movement or reduce pain, but avoid keeping the joint still for too long because it can eventually become stiff and lose function


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